Showing posts from July 8, 2020Show all
Core News Alerts: Ray Kelly slams Mayor Bill de Blasio: He eviscerated the NYPD
Fox News Breaking News Alert
Core News ALerts: Alex Berenson on obstacles to re-opening America's schools amid coronavirus crisis
Core News ALerts: Secretary Betsy DeVos echoes President Trump: There's no excuse for schools not to reopen
Core News ALerts: Former CDC acting director: Re-opening America's schools starts with controlling community spread of COVID-19
Core News Alerts: Under Armour wants to sell MyFitnessPal app: Report
Core News Alerts: Jeff Sessions on his tight Senate runoff race against Tommy Tuberville
Core News Alerts: Secretary Betsy DeVos echoes President Trump: There's no excuse for schools not to reopen
Trending Core BUSINESS News: United warns employees of potential furloughs due to reduced demand
Trending Core BUSINESS News: U.S. probing allegations TikTok violated children's privacy: Sources
Core News: Bus driver in France brutally attacked after refusing passengers who didn't wear masks: reports
Core News:Should Racial and Ethnic Slurs Count in Scrabble Tournaments?
Core News Alerts: Whitmer warns Michigan may 'dial back' reopening as coronavirus cases jump
Core News Alerts: House Dems' defense funding bill allocates $1M to rename military facilities named for Confederates
Core News Alerts: Rep. Michael McCaul on formal US withdrawal from WHO: President Trump is sending a message
Core News Alerts: Mercedes Schlapp on political impact of coronavirus pandemic, push to re-open schools
Core News Alerts: Vice President Pence on push to re-open America's schools, US withdrawal from WHO, threat from China
Core News Alerts: 8 Mississippi lawmakers test positive for coronavirus, report says
Core News Alerts: Mary Trump presents scathing portrait of the president in new book
Core News Alerts: McConnell signals new coronavirus bill may come soon, but Senate faces uphill battle
Core News Alerts: Ilhan Omar calls for dismantling America's 'system of oppression'
Core News Alerts: Mary Trump tell-all book comes out claiming Trump cheated on SAT test
CoreNewsAlerts: Under Armour wants to sell MyFitnessPal app: Report